Early registration is now open for AAC 2018. We accept credit card payment via the registration page. Please note that credit card registration includes a processing fee. If you prefer to pay the fee via check, you will be given a $35 discount. You may send a check to the attention of Jen Schimmenti at Strategic Analysis, Inc., 4075 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 200, Arlington, VA 22203. All checks must be received by COB on June 25, 2018. Checks should be made payable to Strategic Analysis, Inc.
Credit Cards will not be accepted onsite.
The registration fee ($765 regular attendees, $600 retirees, $400 students) includes admission to the AAC 2018 conference, plus breakfast (Monday through Friday) and lunch (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) for registered attendees. A reception is included on Sunday July 8 and a banquet on Wednesday evening July 11.
Additional banquet tickets for guests can be purchased via online registration. Additional baquet tickets are $40 for adults and children 11 and over, $20 for children 10 and under.
When you submit payment you will be automatically emailed a copy of your registration confirmation & receipt. You will also have the option to print out a copy of your receipt.
Through June 25th registration cancellation is subject to a $50 cancellation fee. No cancellations will be processed from June 26th onward.
For additional questions, please contact the conference staff at any time. Thank you for attending AAC 2018.