Webinar Only - ZoomGov 
Registration is required by all meeting participants. 
Registration closes Friday, April 7, 2023 at 12:00 PM EDT

REGISTRATION IS CLOSED.  PLEASE REACH OUT TO rbesanson@sainc.com to be put on the waitlist.

Scroll down for more information

IMPAQT Opportunity Description

Overview: DARPA/DSO has issued an ARC Opportunity inviting submissions of abstracts for innovative exploratory research concepts in the technical domain of quantum computing applications (https://www.darpa.mil/ARC). ARC Opportunities are designed to allow an individual researcher the opportunity and time to focus on nascent, paradigm-shifting ideas for national security applications. This IMPAQT Opportunity is issued under the umbrella ARC Exploration Announcement (EA), DARPA-EA-23-01.

Background: A number of new approaches to quantum information processing have been proposed that take advantage of recent advances in quantum computing hardware. These quantum systems include Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices where processors with > 100 qubits have been demonstrated in multiple platforms. Under the DARPA Optimization with Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum devices (ONISQ) program, researchers have recently demonstrated a qubit (q) circuit depth (N) product > 2,000, and are currently developing systems with q*N > 10,000. In NISQ systems, hybrid classical/quantum algorithms have demonstrated fundamentally different behavior compared to purely classical systems when applied to computationally complex problems. While these initial results have only been implemented on a small set of test problems, DARPA is interested in further exploring the capabilities of hybrid quantum/classical computational systems.

Solicitation Question: The IMPAQT ARC Opportunity is soliciting ideas to explore the following question: What are the applications for a quantum system with N*q > 10,000 as a co-processor for a classical computational system?

Scope: The IMPAQT ARC Opportunity encourages development of practical use cases of quantum computers. The solicitation welcomes algorithms that achieve a quantum advantage, whether using a near-term device with q*N
 10,000 or a fault-tolerant device with q*N ­ 10,000. Targeted problems (e.g., search for or optimize catalysts for a specific reaction), algorithmic primitives, and practically-relevant quantum simulations are welcome.


Special Notice

Click here to view the Special Notice (SN) posted on SAM.gov.

Event Participation


There is no registration fee for the webinar. The registration deadline is Friday, April 7, 2023 at 12:00 PM EDT or when attendance capacity is met, whichever comes first. There will be no same-day registration. Advance registration is required for all events and is mandatory for every individual intending to view the webcast either alone or as part of a group. Individuals who are unable to register because the deadline has passed or capacity has been reached (350 participants) for the webinar, will be added to a waitlist. If slots remain open after registration closes or become available due to cancellations, the slots may be filled on a first come, first served basis from the waitlist.


The IMPAQT Webinar is only open to registered potential proposers, i.e., the events are closed to the general public and media. For this particular program, registration is open to potential proposers who are U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, and foreign nationals.

All registrants who are not U.S. Citizens must complete and submit either a DARPA Form 60 (U.S. Permanent Resident and Foreign National Visit Request – e.g., industry or academia) or an Official Visit Request (foreign government personnel, only) through the Embassy based in Washington, DC, no later than Monday, April 3, 2023 at 5:00 PM EDT (note that this is prior to the registration close date). Form 60 submission instructions will be provided in the registration confirmation email. Contact your Embassy staff for assistance in submitting the Official Visit Request.


Webinar Information

This meeting will be held on the ZoomGov webinar platform. Content on this platform is restricted to Public Releasable Information only.

Downloading the Zoom application is suggested but understood that there are affiliation restrictions. Therefore, the alternative would be to join by web browser.