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ZoomGov Available Functions

 Audio: there are two options 1) Computer audio 2) Dial-in. 

  1. Computer Audio: upon logging on confirm the webinar platform has the correct microphone and speakers identified to use.  All meeting participants will have control to unmute/mute microphones.
  2. Dial-in: select phone/dial-in when logging in to the meeting. It is important to enter:
    • Conference phone number
    • Enter the Meeting ID when prompted
    • Participant ID (which is unique to your log-in)

 Mute: from the webinar platform. 
At any time that an audio line is left open the webinar host will mute your line with no warning.  If dialed in by phone determine if you will mute from your physical phone, or mute audio connect from the webinar platform.

Visual: All participants will be able to see the slide decks shared by the webinar host or by presenters.

 Screen Share: the webinar host will control who can share screens. 
Participants scheduled to present should test in advance and coordinate how the slides will be shared and advanced. Please inform the webinar host if there are any videos or movies with sound.

  Video: When presenting or talking turning on web cameras is permitted. 
  Video:  When listening turn the web camera off.  This will avoid distractions and conserve individuals bandwidth.

 Chat: use the chat box to alert the webinar host of technical issues. 
Technical questions or statements should be reserved for the Q&A portion of the meeting.  If general comments are entered into the chat box, they may get missed.

Q&A:  your participation is key to the meeting, therefore to maintain order please utilize the Raise Hand feature to let the moderator or webinar host know that you have a question and would like to unmute.  Once you hear your name please unmute your audio, state your name and affiliation and ask your question or make your comment. 

 App users will see the button "Reactions"; by clicking on it you will see Raise Hand.

Those joined by the web browser, you will open the Participant List and at the bottom have access to the Raise hand button.  

 Leave meeting when you need to leave click on the leave button and confirm.  If you wish to return you will be permitted to reenter, the webinar host will grant you access from the lobby when you arrive.